50XOPEN # (cross open)Opens BRD file for read-out andFormat:XOPEN # number>," [ name> :] "Note: Only FDn device name.Abbreviated form:X.#Explanation:Opens the random access data file (BRD), and opens (cross opens) theread-out/write-in of the random access data. Newly registers BRD files, prepares for data read-outfrom, and new data write-in to, the BRD file, and defines the logical number for fileaccess.Examples:10 XOPEN #1," FD1: DATA"20 NPUT" pr oduct no. ="; K30 F K=O THEN 11040 NPUT "product name=";NS50 NPUT "unit price=";P60 INPUT "st ock amount ="S70 I NPUT "comment ="; CS80 T = P*S90 PR I NT # 1 (K * 5 -4) , N$, P, S, T, C $100 GOTO 201 1 0 CL OS E # 1120 END..... Cross opens (read-out, write-in) BRD files. The 5 items of input (product name,unit price, amount in stock, total amount (T = total amount (P * S», andcomment are registered in the BRD file "DATA".