14CONNECTING YOUR APPLIANCESMART HOME CONNECTIVITYThe Sharp Microwave Drawer™ Oven combines the techno-logical enhancements of smart home connectivity with Sharp’sinnovative Microwave Drawer design:• Wi-Fi Connectivity• Mobile App and Voice ControlYour Microwave Drawer may be operated remotely through amobile device using the Sharp Kitchen app in addition to con-ventional operation in a non-connected capacity using the GlassTouch Control on the oven door. To use the app, the appliancemust be connected to your home network.WI-FI CONNECTThe Sharp Microwave Drawer™ Oven is equipped with Wi-Ficonnectivity. The oven's Wi-Fi will need to be turned ON inorder to complete the Pairing process.TURN OVEN'S WI-FI ON/OFF• Touch the number 0 pad and hold for 3 seconds.FAVORITES:The Sharp Kitchen app lets you select and store your FavoriteSmart Cook items in your FAVORITES section. Click on theheart icon to add your most frequently prepared dishes.REMOTE START SAFETYINFORMATIONIn order to operate the Sharp Microwave Drawer™ Oven with theSharp Kitchen app, you must enable the Remote Start feature.When the unit is plugged in, the default setting of Remote Startis OFF. Remote Start must be turned ON before operating theappliance with the Sharp Kitchen app.• Touch the Timer/Settings pad 3 times to access the RemoteStart function.When using mobile device operation to control the applianceremotely, be sure to follow all safety procedures and guidelinesas instructed in this operation manual. Failure to do so may resultin personal injury, death or damage to property.PAIRINGPairing may be used to pair a new mobile device to the ovenafter the oven has already been connected to your home network.• Touch the Timer/Settings pad 4 times to access the Pairingfunction.REMOTE OPERATIONThere is a 3-minute window after opening and closing thedrawer in which you may operate the oven remotely with theapp. After 3 minutes of inactivity, you must operate the ovenmanually at the control panel or open and close the drawer againto operate remotely.• If you activate the appliance remotely, your oven will remainON and in cooking mode even if your mobile device or homeWi-Fi become disabled.ALWAYS ensure the oven cavity is prepared for cooking whenoperating the oven remotely with the app. Risk of oven damageor fire could occur. NEVER use the oven interior as a storagedevice for unrelated items or cook using the app remotely ifthe cavity is not properly prepared. ALWAYS have food in theMicrowave Drawer™ when it is on to absorb the microwaveenergy.WI-FI INFORMATIONWi-Fi Information provides your oven’s MAC address on yourhome network. This information may be requested if you contactSHARP Customer Assistance.• Touch the Timer/Settings pad 5 times to access the Wi-FiInformation function.WI-FI FIRMWARE UPDATESFrom time to time, updates to the oven’s software will bereleased. Notifications will be sent via the Sharp Kitchen appfor these updates. The firmware updates will be available on theproduct support page. Please visit: www.sharpusa.com/supportfor more information.• Touch the Timer/Settings pad 6 times to access the Wi-FiFirmware Update function.WI-FI RESETYour oven’s Wi-Fi settings may be cleared by using the Wi-FiReset function. Clearing of settings may need to be performedwhen a new router or Wireless LAN is installed in the home orif transferring ownership of the oven. See also CAUTION FORPERSONAL INFORMATION (RELATED TO SECURITY)on page 5 for further information.• Touch the Timer/Settings pad 7 times to access the Wi-FiReset function.FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND HOW-TO-PAIR VIDEO PLEASE VISIT:WWW.SHARPUSA.COM/SUPPORT