SERVICE MANUALParts marked with " " are important for maintaining the safety of the set. Be sure to replace these parts with specified ones for maintaining thesafety and performance of the set.This document has been published to be used forafter sales service only.The contents are subject to change without notice.OUTLINE AND LIST OF CHANGED PARTSOUTLINE.............................................................iLIST OF CHANGED PARTS ...............................iSAFETY PRECAUTIONIMPORTANT SERVICE SAFETY PRE-CAUTION ...........................................................iiPrecautions for using lead-free solder .............. iiiEnd of life disposal ............................................ivCHAPTER 1. REMOVING OF MAJOR PARTS[1] REMOVING OF MAJOR PARTS...................1-1Parts GuideTopPageCONTENTSNo. S49Y5LC32D77EFor this model, the LCD panel module has been changed.When servicing the product, use this manual with the service manual LC-32DH77E/RU/S (S19V4LC32D77E) alreadyissued.The previous LCD panel models and the new model can be identified with the following markings.• The B character is added at the end of the model name on the model label.• The B character is also added at the end of the model name on the number label (barcode label) of the packingcase.• The serial product numbers are 90311112 and on.OUTLINESUPPLEMENTLCD COLOUR TELEVISIONMODELS LC-32DH77E/RU/SIn the interests of user-safety (Required by safety regulations in some countries) the set should be restored to its orig-inal condition and only parts identical to those specified should be used.LC-32DH77E/RU/S (1st Edition)