1-10-9 H9745TSFLOW CHART NO.3FLOW CHART NO.4Cassette tape can not be loaded.Cassette tape is ejected right after the loading.FLOW CHART NO.5Cassette tape can not be ejected.When loading a cassette tape, on Pin(10) ofIC501, does the "L" pulse switch to the "H" pulse?When loading a cassette tape, on Pin(10) of IC501,does the "L" pulse switch to the "H" pulse?When loading a cassette tape, on Pin(4) of IC501,does the "L" pulse switch to the "H" pulse?When pressing the eject button, does the CapstanMotor start rotating?Refer to "FLOW CHART NO.6 " Motor does not rotate>.Check the Reel Disc or Reel Drive Unit, andservice it if defective.Replace IC501.Replace the Capstan Motor unit.Replace the Loading Motor unit.While the Capstan Motor is rotating, is the TakeupReel rotating?Is the Loading Motor rotating?Check the Cassette Cam or Cassette Gear, etc,and service it if defective.While the Takeup Reel is rotating, is the reel pulsesignal inputted to Pin(80) of IC501?While the reel pulse signal is inputting, is "L" pulseoutputted to Pin(81) of IC501?Is the specified voltage (approximately 13V)outputted to the terminal of the Lading Motor Unit?When loading a cassette tape, does the LD-SWoperate normally?When loading a cassette tape, is the specifiedvoltage (approximately 13V) outputted to theterminal of the Loading Motor Unit?Check the line between the start sensor andPin(10) of IC501, and service it if defective.Replace the Capstan Motor Unit.Replace the Loading Motor Unit.Replace IC501.YesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesYesNoCheck the line between the start sensor andPin(10) of IC501, and service it if defective.Check the line between the end sensor andPin(4) of IC501, and service it if defective.Check the line between the LD-SW(SW507) andPin(9) of IC501, and service it if defective.Check the line between the Takeup Reel sensorand Pin(80) of IC501, and service it if defective.NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo