DV-L70SDV-L70BLDV-L70W14Mecah test mode display3000E000 EEEEEEEE*It is usually returned in power source off for the state.When it failed in servo initialization.It is returned to the test mode initial image planeby pushing "the playback" of the remotecontroller and a "stop" key at the same time.Laser test mode display0D000100 00000000The "playback" key of the remote controller is pushed.A playback key and a stop key are pushed atthe same time, and it is returned to the test modeinitial image plane.DVD mode (Light is sent out by DVD laser,and a pickup is moved to the circumference.)DD000100 00000000The "playback" key of the remote controller is pushed.CD mode (Light is sent out by CD laser,and a pickup is moved to the circumference.)CD000100 00000000The "playback" key of the remote controller is pushed.The emission of the laser can be confirmed whena disk cover is opened and a cap switch ispushed with the thin bar and so on.Note:Not to face the light of the laser squarely,caution!Slead motor is rotated, and it moves a pickup tothe circumference.Laser off mode (Light isn't sent out by laser,and a pickup is moved to the circumference.)FD000100 00000000The "playback" key of the remote controller is pushed.The "playback" key of the remote controller is pushed.The "playback" key of the remote controller is pushed.It is returned to the cause in power source off.How to distinguish a difference in the DVD laserand the CD laser.DVD laser is lighter in comparison with the CD laser.Note:Not to face the light of the laser squarely,caution!From (1)To (2)Mecah test mode display30000000 00000000DDT mode0D000100 00000000DDT step 1DD000201 ∗∗++--00DDT mode0D00E201 000000EE When a disk is not in.It is executed to focus on of DDT.Focus offset value(∗∗)Track offset value(++)0 layer focus balance value(--)The "playback" key of the remote controller is pushed.DDT step 2DD000202 ∗∗++0000A track, slead on are done after RF gain outline adjustment and track balance adjustment are done.0 layer RF gain value(∗∗)Track balance value(++)0 layer focus balance valueThe "playback" key of the remote controller is pushed.DDT step 3DD000203 ∗∗++0000Just focus adjustment is done.RF gain adjustment is done again after the completion.0 layer focus balance value(∗∗)Track RF gain value(++)The "playback" key of the remote controller is pushed.DDT step 4DD000204 ∗∗000000Focus gain adjustment is done.0 layer focus gain value(∗∗)The "playback" key of the remote controller is pushed.DDT step 5DD000205 ∗∗000000Track gain adjustment is done.Track gain value(∗∗)DDT step 6DD000206 ∗∗++0000 (DVD)DD000206 00000000 (CD)A two-layer disk does just focus of layer 1 and focus gain adjustment.A CD does reading of TOC.1 layer focus gain value(∗∗)1 layer focus balance value(++)