38Setting the ManualRecording Mode (MN)HDDVR MODEDVD-RWVIDEO MODEDVD-RW DVD-RYou can set the manual recording modewhich is used when you select “MN XX” withREC MODE.1 Press START MENU to displaythe “START MENU” screen.2 Press ' / " / \ / | to select“OTHER SETTINGS 1”, then pressSET/ENTER.3 Press \ / | to select “REC.FUNCTION”.4 Press ' / " to select “MANUALREC. MODE”, then press SET/ENTER.5 Press \ / | to select the desiredrecording mode, then press SET/ENTER.• Refer to the table on page 37.NOTEWhen playing back a DVD-RW/R disc(Video Mode) recorded with the recorderusing a DVD player.• When you playback a disc recorded withthe manual mode of the recorder using aDVD player, it may not be able to playbackdepending on the model (some particularmodes cannot be played back).OTHER SETTINGS 1[MANUAL REC. MODE]ABLE TO SELECT 1 OF 32 LEVELS OF PICTURE QUALITY INMANUAL REC. MODE WHEN USING RECORDING MODE SWITCH.EP LP SP FINE82:0121/52REC. FUNCTION VIEW/PLAY SETTING ADJUSTMENTAUTO CHAPTEREXACT RECORDINGREC . AUDIO FORMATEXTERNAL AUDIOVIDEO MODE AUDIOMANUAL REC. MODEOTHER SETTINGS 1[REC. FUNCTION ] 82:0121/52Setting Recording Mode (HDD/DVD)