6-10PROGRAMMING, EDITING, ANDDELETING F-CODE MEMORY BOXESThe procedure for programming a memory box for F-code transmission is explained here. There are three types ofF-code memory boxes: F-code polling memory (page 4-4), F-code confidential transmission (page 4-6), and F-coderelay broadcast (page 4-8). Memory boxes are programmed, edited, and deleted as follows.PROGRAMMING AN F-CODE MEMORY BOXA box name, sub-address/passcode, and function must be programmed in a memory box.1 Press the [CUSTOM SETTINGS] key andthen touch the [ADDRESS CONTROL] key(refer to steps 1 and 2 on page 6-2).2 Touch the [F-CODE MEMORY BOX] key.3 Touch one of the memory box keys ([POLLINGMEMORY], [CONFIDENTIAL], or [RELAYBROADCAST] ) on the store (upper) line.([POLLING MEMORY] is touched in the example here.)O The F-code memory box programming screen appears.4 Touch the [BOX NAME] key.The "No." that automaticallyappears is the lowestnumber from 001 to 100that has not yet beenprogrammed. When the[BOX NAME] key istouched, the letter-entryscreen appears. Enter up to 18 characters for the name.For information on entering characters, seechapter 7 of the "Operation manual (for generalinformation and copier operation)".5 Touch the [SUB ADDRESS] key.The sub-address/passcode entry screenappears.6 Use the numeric keys (0 through 9) toenter a sub-address (max. 20 digits).O The characters " " and "#" cannot be used in asub-address.O If you enter an incorrect digit, press the [C] key andre-enter the correct digit.O If you do not wish to enter a passcode, proceed tostep 9.7 To set a passcode, touch the [PASS CODE]key.A slash (/) appears afterthe sub-address.If you enter an incorrectdigit, press the [C] keyand re-enter the correctdigitNOTESO When programming a new memory box, a sub-address that is being used for another box cannot be used. Thepasscode, however, can be the same as a passcode used in another box.O A passcode can be omitted.O Up to 100 F-code memory boxes can be programmed. If 100 F-code memory boxes have already beenprogrammed, a warning message will appear and you will not be able to program a new box. First delete anunused F-code memory box (page 6-13) and then program the new box.F-CODE MEMORY BOXOPOLLING MEMORY CONFIDENTIAL RELAYBROADCASTPOLLING MEMORY CONFIDENTIAL RELAYBROADCASTCUSTOM SETTINGSF-CODE MEMORY BOX OKSTOREAMEND/DELETEF-CODE MEMORY BOX / POLLING MEMORYNo.001SUB ADRESSBOX NAMEPOLLING TIMESF-CODE MEMORY BOX / POLLING MEMORYNo.001SUB ADDRESSBOX NAME FAX INFORMATIONPOLLING TIMESF-CODE MEMORY BOX / POLLING MEMORYNo.001EXITNEXTOKCANCELENTER THE SUB ADDRESS / PASS CODE VIA THE 10-KEY PAD,THEN PRESS [OK].214341434PASS CODESUB ADDRESS / PASS CODEOKCANCEL-KEY PAD,THEN PRESS [OK].PASS CODE