11910Lens fastenerringPinHoleGroovesLensmount6 First insert tabs aaaaa of the lens cover intotab holes AAAAA of the projector, then push tabsbbbbb into tab holes BBBBB until it clicks into place.7 Push in the carrying handle.12 TabsTab holes876Tab holes BTab holes ATabs aTabs b8 Remove the cap from the end of the lens thatyou will attach to the projector.9 Make sure that the two grooves on the lensfastener ring are facing upward.10 Ensure that the two grooves on the lensmount face upward and the pin of lens in-sertion area is inserted into the hole of thelens mount as you push the lens into theprojector.• Make sure the lens is pushed into the projec-tor interior firmly.11 Turn the lens fastener catch tab in the direc-tion of the arrows in the illustration until itstops.• Be careful not to turn the lens fastener ringtoo tight, as the lens fastener ring will be stiffthe next time the lens is changed.12 After inserting the upper half of the lenscover tabs into the projector tab holes, slidethe lens cover towards the projector until itclicks into place.• If the upper half of the lens cover is not se-cured to the projector, you will not be able toturn the power on.-2