88 EntertainmentCalls & AlarmsYou can set the priority of incoming calls and alarmswhile an application is operating.“Entertainment”→ “Games & Applications”→“Settings”→ “Calls & Alarms”1. Select “Voice Call”, “Video Call”, “IncomingMessage” or “Alarm”.2. Select the desired method.• “Call Priority”, “Message Priority” or “AlarmPriority”:The application is suspended automatically, and youcan receive a call or a message, or the alarm willsound. After finishing the call or sending themessage, or when the alarm ends, the suspendindicator ( ) is displayed letting you know there isa suspended application.• “Call Notice”, “Message Notice” or “Alarm Notice”:The marquee (character scrolls) is displayed on thefirst line of the screen while the applicationcontinues. If you press D, the application issuspended, and you can receive a call. After finishingthe call or sending the message, the suspend indicator( ) is displayed letting you know there is asuspended application.ScreensaversYou can download screensaver applications for thestandby screen and set the time period for thescreensaver to activate.“Entertainment”→ “Games & Applications”→“Settings”→ “Screensavers”→ “Switch On/Off”1. Select “On” or “Off”.To Set the Activation Time“Entertainment”→ “Games & Applications”→“Settings”→ “Screensavers”→ “Activation Time”1. Enter the activation time in two digits using thekeypad.To Set the Suspend Time“Entertainment”→ “Games & Applications”→“Settings”→ “Screensavers”→ “Suspend Time”1. Set the desired time period from “after 15 min.” to“after 6 hours”.