APPENDICESEnglish 170ShootingThe digitalzoom does notwork.The still imageis set to I or;.Set it to adifferent mode. 46, 85The digitalzoom setting isset to “OFF”.Set the digitalzoom setting to“ON”.50, 68A warning tone(beep-beep-beep) sounds,and it is notpossible totake a pictureusing the self-timer.The batterypack isconsumed.Recharge thebattery pack, orreplace with afully chargedbattery pack.Or connect theAC adaptor(optional).21, 26When zoomingin or out, thezoommovementstopsmomentarily.The opticalzoom hasmoved to themaximummagnificationposition.Not amalfunction.Release thezoom switch,and push itagain.68There is noisein the capturedimage.The ISOsensitivitysetting is toohigh.Set the ISOsensitivity to alower setting. 48, 91The \ iconappears, andshooting is notpossible.The camera’sinternaltemperature ishigh.Discontinueshooting, andwait for thecamera to cooldown beforeusing it again.28Problem Cause Action Referencepage