L,....’ .“. ,’~able of letter and symbol codes> —Character Code No. Character Code No. Character Code No. Character Code No. Character Code No.space .e.cl.o... 00 ( ................. 14 K ............... 28 Y ................. 42 m ............... 56.........01 ) ................. 15 L ............... 29 z ................ 43 n ............... 57, ...........02 < .s.............. 16 M ............... 30 a ................. 44 0 ............... 58........03 > .............. 17 N ............... 31 b ................. 45 p .............. 59, ..........04 A ............... 18 0 ............ 32 C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 q ............... 60. .........05 B .....s........ 19 P .......... 33 d ................. 47 r .............. 61+ ...........06 c ............. 20 Q ....... 34 e ................. 48 s .............. 62— .......07 D .............. 21 R ......... 35 f ................ 49 t ............... 63I ..........08 E ............. 22 S ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~36 g ............. 50 U ............... 64& ..........09 F ......... 23 T ...... 37 h ................. 51 v ............. 65* ...........10 G ................. 24 U ..... 38 i ................ 52 w ............... 66# ...........11 H ................. 25 Q ...... 39 j .... 53 x ............... 67! ...........12 I ................. 26 w ......... 40 k .............. 54 y ............... 68* ...........13 J ................ 27 x .............. 41 I .............. 55 z ............... 69Il To enter numberb o -6 ............................... qEnter the number and press # to move cursor right.7- 9 ............................... Enter the number. The cursor move to right automatically.l If you make a mistake in entering a letter or a number, simply press q to move right or q* to move left tothe appropriate space and then enter the correct letter or number. DIAL MEMORY PROGRAMMING> m 4 times. ISET MODE ? IPress ~ . O.T DIAL SET(Z. w.)Press ~[ again.Press one-touch dialing key (1-8).Example To program a number using one-touch key2, press one-touch key q .Enter the party’s name (to a maximum of 16characters).(See page 4 for detailed instructions.)Press ~] .O.T No. =0?(Z. w.)O.T No. =H?(Z. w.)IIABCDEFGB II—5—