E1O, E12 The other pafty does nol respondCODE CONTENTS classi-fication SYMPTOM and NOTES10 TI time over T, R Even 35* 5 seconds passed after starting communication, nosignal received from the party.12 No responce on redial T No responce from the pafty even redialing of the timertransmission is carried outE20 - E27 Own machinetroublesCODE CONTENTS classi-fication SYMPTOM and NOTES20 Stop switch is ON ALL21 Original jam T23 No recording paper R26 No original for timer transmission T ;.’27 Timer operation is cancelled TIMERE30 - E33 Image deficiency d,CODE30313233CONTENTSExceed the error line limitationRTN transmissionRTN receptionclassi-ficationRRTSYMPTOM and NOTESThese errors may be caused by the S/Nor deflection on theline.Check the disturbance and verify the incoming signal levelusing the level meter.Test the setting of the appropriate equalizer to compensate theline loss.IOver 5 seconds per line RE40, E41 Emor in the other partyCODE CONTENTS classi-fication SYMPTOM and NOTES40 No recording paper in the other TP@41 No polling original in the other P-RP@-–22–