Use the Point 54 buttons to select Off, On1, or On2,and then press the SELECT button to make a choice.Change the PIN code lock settingEnter a PIN codeUse the Point 54 buttons to enter a number. Press thePoint button to fix the number and move the red framepointer to the next box. The number changes to “3”. Ifyou fixed an incorrect number, use the Point button tomove the pointer to the number you want to correct, andthen enter the correct number.Repeat this step to complete entering a four-digitnumber.After entering the four-digit number, move the pointer to“Set.” Press the SELECT button so that you can changethe following PIN code lock setting.If you entered an incorrect PIN code, PIN code and thenumber (3333) will turn red for a moment. Enter thecorrect PIN code all over again.Enter a PIN codeThe PIN code can be changed to your desired four-digitnumber. Press the SELECT button to select PIN codechange. Pin code dialog box appears, use the Point54 buttons to enter the correct code. The New PIN codeinput dialog box appears. Set a new PIN code.Change the PIN codeCAUTION:WHEN YOU HAVE CHANGED THE PIN CODE, WRITEDOWN THE NEW PIN CODE IN COLUMN OF THEPIN CODE NO. MEMO ON PAGE 76, AND KEEP ITSECURELY. IF YOU FORGET YOUR PIN CODE, THEPROJECTOR CAN NO LONGER BE STARTED.SettingPIN code change