-58-Electrical AdjustmentGrp / No. Item Function Range Initial Note34 Eco Fan1 MinFan Spinning Set at Eco (Min/Max) (0.1V)0000-9990 110 110 110 11035 Eco Fan1 Max 0000-9990 135 135 135 13536 Eco Fan2 Min 0000-9990 50 50 50 5037 Eco Fan2 Max 0000-9990 50 50 50 5038 Eco Fan3,4 Min 0000-9990 50 50 50 5039 Eco Fan3,4 Max 0000-9990 135 135 135 13540 Eco Fan5 Min 0000-9990 60 60 60 6041 Eco Fan5 Max 0000-9990 135 135 135 13542 Eco Fan6 Min 0000-9990 50 50 50 5043 Eco Fan6 Max 0000-9990 135 135 135 13544 Eco Fan7 Min 0000-9990 50 50 50 5045 Eco Fan7 Max 0000-9990 135 135 135 13546 Eco Fan8 Min 0000-9990 50 50 50 5047 Eco Fan8 Max 0000-9990 135 135 135 135255 Fan Start/Cooling Setting0 Fan1 Initial VoltFan Start Voltage (0.1V)0-255 701 Fan2 Initial Volt 0-255 702 Fan3,4 Initial Volt 0-255 703 Fan5 Initial Volt 0-255 704 Fan6 Initial Volt 0-255 705 Fan7 Initial Volt 0-255 706 Fan8 Initial Volt 0-255 708 Cooling Time Coolong Time Setting (x30 sec.) 1: 30 3: 90 15: 450 1-15 310 Temp Error Cooling Time Cooling Time Setting When the Temp Error occurs (x30 sec.)1: 30 3: 90 15: 450 1-15 311 OnStart Cooling Start Threshold 0-100 5012 After shutdown cooling Cooling Operation after Shut Down (0: No, 1: Yes) 0-1 1256 Fan Lanp Voltage Down Setting0 Lamp Voltage Current Lamp Voltage (0.1V) (Read only) 0-255 ---1 Lamp Vol Threshold Threshold Voltage (0.1V) 30-90 302 Fan1 Speed Gain Fan Speed Ad Gain (0.1V) 0-1500 0257 Fan Setting at Dimmer0 Dimmer Average Check Period Dimmer Average Check Period (sec.)0: 10, 1: 30, 2: 60, 3: 90……10:300 0-10 1259 Fan Air Pressure Setting0 Press Source Range Low Pressure Sensor Control Range (AD) 0-1024 6181 Press Source Range High 0-1024 8542 Press Fan Add Range High Add Voltage (0.1V) 0 - 2000 03 Press Fan Add Range Low 0 - 2000 654 Temp C-A Upward High Temp C-A Upward High 0 - 1000 225 Temp C-A Upward Low Temp C-A Upward Low 0 - 1000 206 Temp C-A Downward High Temp C-A Downward High 0 - 1000 117 Temp C-A Downward Low Temp C-A Downward Low 0 - 1000 7260 Auto Calibration (Common) * Auto calibration0 Execute Calibration Execute Calibration when the Value is changed. (For PC White100%) 0 - 1 01 Loop Count Max Times of Calibration 1 - 30 82 Auto StatusCalibration Log (Read only)0: Calibration End Correctly 1: On Adjusting 9: CalibrationError0 / 1 / 9 03 AutoWait Waiting time 1 - 20 34 CHECK - Tolerance Tolerance of Offset 1 - 255 45 Time out wait Wait Time until Time out [sec.] 1 - 255 20261 Auto Calibration (RGB) PW392-AFE MDL <10bits>0 OFFSET AREA H START Black Level Acq. Area H Start 0 - 1000 9751 OFFSET AREA V START Black Level Acq. Area V Start 0 - 1000 5002 GAIN AREA H START White Level Acq. Area H Start 0 - 1000 253 GAIN AREA V START White Level Acq. Area V Start 0 - 1000 5004 Image AREA H WIDTH Black/White Level Area Width 0 - 4095 135 Image AREA V HEIGHT Black/White Level Area Height 0 - 4095 96 OFFSET Target Black Level Adj target 0 - 1023 207 OFFSET Tolerance Black Level Adj telerance 1 - 1023 18 GAIN Target White Level Adj target 0 - 1023 867