Multimedia ProjectorSERVICE MANUAL(SUPPLEMENT)PRODUCT CODE1 122 275 00 (ME5A)1 122 275 20 (ME5AL)1 122 283 00 (PE5A)1 122 283 20 (PE5AL)1 122 283 02 (PE5C)1 122 283 22 (PE5CL)Original VersionREFERENCE NO. SS5110711 -00FILE NO.Model No. PLC-XP56PLC-XP56LU.S.A., Canada,Europe, Asia, AfricaPLC-XP56Note:Model PLC-XP56L does not provide projection lens.Chassis No. ME5-XP5600ME5-XP56L00NOTE: Match the Chassis No. on the unit’sback cover with the Chassis No. in theService Manual.If the Original Version ServiceManual Chassis No. does not matchthe unit’s, additional ServiceLiterature is required.You must refer to“Notices” to the Original ServiceManual prior to servicing the unit.FILE WITH ORIGINAL SERVICE MANUAL (SM5110500)- NOTE -Any information not contained in this manual will be found in the original model's service manualSM5110500-00 for models PLC-XP55 and PLC-XP55L.