Installation and Operation Manual383-9-2 Managing a route from the route windowCreating a rout from the route window1 To go to the Route window, pressand select the Route icon2 Press select Create3 If you want to enter a route name,highlight name and press .4 Press and press .5 Press or to highlight a waypoint6 Press to insert a waypoint7 Repeat step 5 and 6 until you create aroute8 Press to exitInserting a waypoint between twowaypoints1 In the Route window, select a route youwant to insert in the route list and pressor press and select Edit.2 Highlight a leg where you want to insert awaypoint3 Press and select insert4 Highlight a waypoint and press .5 Press to exitEditing a route in the chart window1 In the route list, press and selectEdit on chart.2 Follow the procedure of “Editing a waypointin route while creating a route “Deleting a waypoint in the waypoint list1 Highlight a waypoint you want to delete inthe waypoint list.2 Press and select Remove.Deleting a route in the route window1 Highlight a route you want to delete.2 Press and select Delete.Deleting all route in the route window1 Press and select Delete All.Displaying a route in the Chart window fromthe route list:1 Highlight a route you want to display in theChart window.2 Press and select Display.