feature is the same as the normal forward busy where when the forwarded stationis busy a calling station will be forwarded to the forward destination.CALL FORWARD NO RESPONSE (CFNR) (LE VERSION)This is a different feature from the normal call forward no answer and is only usedwhen the forward destination is in a different node of the network. The operation ofthe feature is the same as the normal forward no answer where when the forwardedstation does not answer after a programmed amount of time a calling station willbe forwarded to the forward destination.CALL FORWARD UNCONDITIONAL (CFU)(LE VERSION)This is a different feature from the normal call forward all and is only used when theforward destination is in a different node of the network. The operation of the fea-ture is the same as the normal forward all where all calls to the forwarded stationwill be forwarded to the forward destination.CALL HOLD (EXCLUSIVE)Outside calls can be placed on exclusive hold at any keyset by pressing HOLD twiceduring a call. Calls placed on exclusive hold can only be retrieved at the keyset thatplaced the call on hold. Intercom calls are always placed on exclusive hold. Exclusivehold for trunk calls can be denied in class of service.CALL HOLD (SYSTEM)Outside calls can be placed on system hold at any station. Users may dial theaccess code or press the HOLD button. Calls on system hold may be retrieved atany station.CALL HOLD (REMOTE)Outside calls can be placed on hold at a remote station. This feature allows calls tobe answered at one keyset and placed on hold at another station. This allows timefor the user to proceed to that station or allows the party that the call was intendedfor to have that call placed at their station. The call or trunk button will flash at theremote hold station. NOTE: Intercom calls cannot be remote held.CALL PARK AND PAGEEach C.O. line has its own park zone. This simple method eliminates confusionand ensures that a park zone is always available. Pressing the PAGE key parks thecall automatically. There are no extra buttons to press and there is no lost timelooking for a free zone.CALL PICKUPDIRECTEDWith directed call pickup, users can answer calls ringing at any station by dialing acode plus that station’s extension number or by pressing the feature button and4.9