54! Manually changing an Auto Attendant greeting to an alternate greetingwill flash the RTO and/or RP button to indicate that the alternate greetingis set. The system will continue in the selected ring plan until manuallychanged. The auto ring plan service will be suspended during this time.UNIFORM CALL DISTRIBUTIONUCD is used to distribute calls to a group of agents. If the group membersare all busy, UCD controls queue patterns and information messages. It alsoprovides agent and call statistics in both real time on a keyset display and inthe form of printed reports at a customer-provided printer.Your installation and service company has already designed and pro-grammed these options for you, including the group members, timingparameters, greetings and messages that play at different times while thecall is being processed.SUPERVISOREach UCD group can be assigned one or more optional supervisors. A su-pervisor can be responsible for more than one UCD group. If you are a su-pervisor, you will have a special key assigned to your display keyset that willallow you to administrate the UCD group. Your keyset will have a separateSUPERVISOR key for each UCD group. UCD alarm conditions will show byflashing these keys.ALARMSYour installation and service company may have programmed alarm condi-tions to alert you to the following:! The number of calls waiting at the UCD group has exceeded a specificprogrammed number! The amount of time a caller has been waiting has exceeded a specificprogrammed time! Both options aboveWhen the alarm is activated at your keyset, one of the following will occur:! Your SUPERVISOR key will flash and the keyset display will indicate thetype of alarm condition (time or number of calls).ALARM SUPERVISOR or ALARM SUPERVISOR5XX: RING TIME 5XX: QUEUE TIME