features of your new personal navigation devicesYou have chosen a cutting-edge navigation system.Congratulations! Please enjoy using it. This navigation system leads youstraight to your destination, whether you are traveling by car or on foot.You may navigate and plan your route with an easy to use and intuitiveinterface, just by using your finger. You may also use this applicationto plan your trip to suit your personal preferences and interests and tosave interesting destinations before you set off on your trip. This manualleads you through the main features of the system.WHAT IS GPS (GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM)It means a system that provides the location,height and velocity of the receiver based onthe signals from 4 or more GPS satellites.EASY-TO-USE NAVIGATIONThe easy-to-use intuitive menu enablesusers to use the various functions easilywhile driving a car.FAST AND PRECISE PATH SEARCHYou can find the optimal path to stopoverand destination so that you can reach thedestination faster and more conveniently.If you drive away from the recommendedpath, new path is automatically found in ashort time.EASY DESTINATION SEARCHYou can easily search for a destinationby selecting a location from the map, orspecifying address, POI, or Favorites.REAL-TIME VOICE ANNOUNCEMENTRest areas and gas stations as well as thepath are also announced in real-time.BLUETOOTH COMPLIANCE (YP-N1BZ ONLY)You can register a Bluetooth hands-free(mobile phone) to the product and connect itvia Bluetooth wireless connection.2 _ features of your new personal navigation devices