29Using NapsterENGUsing Napster28Tracks that you purchase through Napster can be transferred seamlessly toyour player using the Napster application.NNNN oooo tttt eeeeBefore transferring, make sure your player battery is charged or connected to AC power,otherwise your transfer may not complete successfully.When you plug your device into your computer through the USB port, the Napster application willautomatically recognize it and display it as Samsung YH-820 under the menu tree of your NapsterLibrary. If your player is not connected or detected, it will display a “Portable Device” icon.If your layer is not listed, check your connection and verify that the player is detected by yourcomputer.NNNN oooo tttt eeeeIf you try to transfer tracks to your player that you have not purchased yet, you will automaticallybe prompted to purchase the tracks.Make sure your player battery is charged or connected to AC power.ITransferring Music to Your Player✍✍Click the [OK] button.4A progress bar displays while the tracks are importing.When the tracks successfully imported, they will be stored and accessiblefrom your Napster Library. You will also be prompted to edit the trackdata for any non-Napster tracks (see next section).5YH820‡»` AME 12/31/04 10:43 AM Page 28