Getting StartedEnglish - 6Avoid installing the product in alocation that is unstable or exposedto excessive vibration such as onan unstable or slanted shelf.● The product may fall and thismay result in damage to theproduct or injury.● If you use the product in alocation exposed to excessivevibrations, it may result in aproblem with the product orfire.Avoid installing the product in alocation exposed to dust, moisture(sauna), oil, smoke or water (raindrops) and installing it within avehicle.● This may result in electricshock or fire.Avoid installing the product in alocation exposed to direct sunlightand installing the product near aheat source such as a fireplace orheater.● This may shorten the productlife cycle or cause fire.Avoid installing the product wherechildren may reach it.● If a child touches the product,the product may fall and thismay result in injury.● Since the front part is heavier,install the product on a flatand stable surface.Bend the outdoor aerial cabledownwards at the location whereit comes in the house so thatrainwater does not flow in.● If rainwater enters the product,it may result in electric shockor fire.Install the aerial far away from anyhigh voltage cables.● If the aerial touches or fallsonto a high voltage cable, itmay result in electric shock orfire.CautionDo not let the product drop whilemoving it.● This may result in a problemwith the product or injury.Do not place the product facedown on the floor.● This may damage the panel ofthe product.When installing the product on aconsole or shelf, make sure thatthe front of the product does notprotrude out of the console orshelf.● Otherwise, this may cause theproduct to fall off and result ina malfunction or injury.● Make sure to use a cabinet orshelf suitable to the size of theproduct.When putting the product down,handle it gently.● Otherwise, it may result in aproblem with the product orinjury.