Settings116• Select debug app: Select applications to debug and prevent errors when you pausedebugging.• Wait for debugger: Set the device to prevent the selected application from loading untilthe debugger is ready.• Verify apps via USB: Set the device to check the application for harmful behaviour beforeinstalling it.• Show touches: Set the device to show the pointer when you touch the screen.• Show pointer location: Set the device to show the coordinates and traces of the pointerwhen you touch the screen.• Show layout boundaries: Set the device to show boundaries.• Show GPU view updates: Set the device to flash areas of the screen when they areupdated with the GPU.• Show hardware layers updates: Set the device to flash areas of the screen whenhardware layers updates.• Show GPU overdraw: Set the device to paint areas of the screen in different colours toindicate where overdraw occurs.• Show screen updates: Set the device to flash areas of the screen when they are updated.• Window animation scale: Select a speed for opening and closing pop-up windows.• Transition animation scale: Select a speed for switching between screens.• Animator duration scale: Select how long pop-up windows will be shown.• Disable hardware overlays: Set the device to hide hardware overlays.• Force GPU rendering: Set the device to use 2D hardware acceleration to improve graphicperformance.• Enable 4x MSAA: Set the device to enable 4x multisample anti-aliasing (MSAA) inOpenGL applications to improve image quality.• Simulate secondary displays: Set the device to show one or more overlay windows.• Strict mode: Set the device to flash the screen when applications perform longoperations.• Show CPU usage: Set the device to list all active processes.• Profile GPU rendering: Set the device to check the time of GPU rendering time.