Appendix142But with wireless phone use, driving safely means alittle more. This brochure is a call to wireless phoneusers everywhere to make safety their first prioritywhen behind the wheel of a car. Wirelesstelecommunications is keeping us in touch,simplifying our lives, protecting us in emergenciesand providing opportunities to help others in need.When it comes to the use of wireless phones, safetyis your most important call.Wireless Phone “Safety Tips”Below are safety tips to follow while driving andusing a wireless phone which should be easy toremember:1. Get to know your wireless phone and its featuressuch as speed dial and redial. Carefully read yourinstruction manual and learn to take advantage ofvaluable features most phones offer, includingautomatic redial and memory. Also, work tomemorize the phone keypad so you can use thespeed dial function without taking your attentionoff the road.2. When available, use a hands free device. Anumber of hands free wireless phone accessoriesare readily available today. Whether you choosean installed mounted device for your wirelessphone or a speaker phone accessory, takeadvantage of these devices if available to you.3. Position your wireless phone within easy reach.Make sure you place your wireless phone withineasy reach and where you can grab it withoutremoving your eyes from the road. If you get anincoming call at an inconvenient time, if possible,let your voice mail answer it for you.Appendix1434. Suspend conversations during hazardous drivingconditions or situations. Let the person you arespeaking with know you are driving; if necessary,suspend the call in heavy traffic or hazardousweather conditions. Rain, sleet, snow and ice canbe hazardous, but so is heavy traffic. As a driver,your first responsibility is to pay attention to theroad.5. Do not take notes or look up phone numberswhile driving. If you are reading an address bookor business card, or writing a “to do” list whiledriving a car, you are not watching where you aregoing. It’s common sense. Don’t get caught in adangerous situation because you are reading orwriting and not paying attention to the road ornearby vehicles.6. Dial sensibly and assess the traffic; if possible,place calls when you are not moving or beforepulling into traffic. Try to plan your calls beforeyou begin your trip or attempt to coincide yourcalls with times you may be stopped at a stopsign, red light or otherwise stationary. But if youneed to dial while driving, follow this simple tip-dial only a few numbers, check the road and yourmirrors, then continue.7. Do not engage in stressful or emotionalconversations that may be distracting. Stressfulor emotional conversations and driving do notmix-they are distracting and even dangerouswhen you are behind the wheel of a car. Makepeople you are talking with aware you are drivingand if necessary, suspend conversations whichhave the potential to divert your attention fromthe road.