34TroubleshootingSymptom SolutionFails to run Samsung DigitalPresenter programThere is a communication error between SamsungDigital Presenter and the computer. Exit SamsungDigital Presenter program and follow these steps:• Unplug the USB cable and then plug in it again.• Close other unnecessary software programs that arerunning(especially programs related to USBcommunication that can occupy many systemresources).• If you turn the unit off, turn it back on after at least10 seconds.The following error message:"There is a problem incommunication of USB. Pleasedisconnect the plug of USBand reconnect it."System error occurred during USB communication.Follows these steps:• Unplug the USB cable and then plug it back in.• Check the power condition of presenter.The following error message:"Fail to find USB device driver.Check the USB plug or thepower of USB set."Your computer system could not find USB driver.• Check the USB cable connection.• Check that USB driver is properly installed. Fordetails, see page 7.• Reboot the computer and try again. If you fail again,remove the driver(See page 10.) and reinstall thedevice driver. (See page 5.)The following error message:"The Program Already Existsor In the Process ofTermination."• Run the program after minimum 3 seconds.• In case of Abnormal Off, disconnect the plug of USBand reconnect it.The following error message:"Fail to save image."The error occurs in the following cases.• In case you have selected the Q-SAVE folder toCDROM drive or write-protected storage driver.• In case you didn’t save image as a BMP or JPEGfile format.• In case the libraries related to save image aredeleted or damaged.