24Digital Image Effect Processing Description1) Default : The original image(RGB colors)[Uses : Displays the original image from the Digital Presenter.]2) Grayscale : The image(RGB colors) is changed to grayscale.[Uses : You can enhance readability or legibility of the image.]3) Histogram : The program shows the histogram on the left-up side. This effect is availableon Default, Grayscale, Binarization mode.[Uses : Lets you adjust the Digital Presenter's bright value or turn the lamp On/Offefficiently.]✔ Note : A histogram illustrates howpixels in an image are distributed bygraphing the number of pixels at eachcolor intensity level. This can show youwhether the image contains enoughdetail in the shadows(shown in the leftpart of the histogram), midtones(shownin the middle), and highlights(shown inthe right part) to make a goodcorrection. The histogram also gives aquick picture of the tonal range of theimage, or the image key type.4) Negative : This toggles Negative and Positive Image.[Uses : Converts negative film or slide image into positive image.]5) Binarization : Assigns the image to 1 or 0 by threshold value. The threshold ranges 16~251and the value is not automatically decided. The default value [←], [→] keys.[Uses : Applied to Image Analysis / Image Interpretion. (OCR, Pattern Recognition)]6) Edge Detection : Identifies the areas of the image with significant transitions andemphasizes the edges. Find edges,outlines the edges of an image usingthe Prewitt mask.[Uses : Applied to Image Analysis / Image Interpretion in the Computer Vision.]