English _19● SeTup & AppLiCATionSetting the output resolutionYou can set a different resolution according to the output device (monitor, projector).1. Select ouTpuT moDe from the menu.2. Move the cursor (►) to a desired resolution and set the output resolution of the digital presenter.M ` Setting to UXGA/USB or changing the mode from UXGA/USB to others requires restarting to apply the changedresolution.` Supported resolutions are listed in the above example. Refer to the above image.preSenTer ouTpuT moDe1080P 1920X1080 30fps }720P 1280X720 30fps }UXGA 1600X1200 20fps }SXGA 1280X1024 30fps }WXGA 1280X800 30fps }XGA 1024X768 30fps }USB USB OUT MODE }RETURN }CURRENT: 1080P MODE }