S3F84B8_ALL-IN-ONE IH COOKER_AN_REV 0.00 2 HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION2-92.4 POWER CONTROLPower is the product of voltage and current (P = V x I). Figure 2-5 and Figure 2-6 show the measurement circuit ofsystem voltage and current, separately.2.4.1 VOLTAGE MEASUREMENTFigure 2-5 shows the circuit diagram for voltage measurement and surge protection.R2029K + C1610uF/50VSY S_VR276K8C18221Surge_P220 VACAC_L D91N4007AC_N D101N4007surge protectionR17470K/0.5WR19820K/0.5WR18820K/0.5WC15102/1KVFigure 2-5 Voltage Measurement and Surge Protection CircuitResistor divider decreases the voltage level to the proper ADC range.