SAFETY CONCERNSVI © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.WarningPower and GroundingWatches, Rings, and Other Metallic AccessoriesDo not wear accessories such as watches and rings in order to prevent electricalshock.Power Switch OffMake sure the power switch of power supplier is off when installing the system.Installing the system with power switch on may cause system damage or fatalhuman injury when cables are not correctly connected.Warning for Connecting the Ground CableIn cabling, the connection of cables without the connection to the ground cablemay cause the damage of the equipment or the injury of the worker.Connect the ground cable first.InstallationWarning for Laser Beam Running through Optical CablesIn the system, the laser beam emitting light runs through the optical cable.The exposure of the laser beam on worker’s eye may cause serious injury so thatit should be handled with care.Protection gloves and gogglesMake sure that worker wears protection gloves and goggles to prevent damagesfrom debris while drilling holes in a wall or ceiling.WARNING