www.samsungehs.co.uk ©G Hendra April 2015 22Explaining the Operation of the System to the end userYou have now set the unit up to run from an external signal Using a field supplied roomthermostat or signal from an under floor heating system through B20-B22 and/or B20-B24;the controller no longer drives the unit.When the contact is made the unit will start and the water temperature will be controlled bythe heat pump, you will not have any control over it. The water temperature is determined bythe outdoor temperature; the colder it is outside the warmer the water. The unit is running inweather comp mode,You will see 0.0C on thescreen; the unit is usingweather compensationfunction to work out the watertemperature. If you need toboost the heating water tempthis can be done by pressingthe silver up and downbuttons. This boosts theradiators by up to +5 C butwarning this will cost moremoney to run.When an external stat or runsignal is used most of thefunctions of the Samsung remote are disabled. A waging finger shows at the bottom to showthis.All these buttons are disabled and the functions they control are also disabledNote: when the heating command issent to the unit it will not start for 3minutes. And when the thermostat orsignal is removed the pump will run on forup to 6 minutes.On latest software the end user canoverride the stat switching the unit off withthe top left button. Avoid this as the unitwill no longer run. If the sun signal is noton the display the heating is not going tooperate.How hot water worksThe hot water cylinder has priority over the heating, if the cylinder temperature falls 5 degreesbelow its set point the unit will automatically switch to heating the cylinder. Once settemperature is achieved the unit will go back to heating the house.The hot water cylinder loses almost no heat (1/3 a degree an hour) if no hot water is used.The hot water cylinder takes less than an hour to heat up from cold. If you need hot watervery fast the DHW button forces the unit to heat the water flat out, the unit will stay in thismode until you press the DHW button againTo protect from legionella the cylinder is heated to 60 degrees C once a week automatically.