18 EnglishBefore you startBefore you startWire GridThe Telescopic wire grid is best used forgrilling or for processing food inoven-friendly containers.WARNINGBe sure to place the wire grid such thatthe back stopper faces the cavity shown infigure.back stopperWARNINGBe sure to place the telescopic wire grid onthe rail arms, between the rail stopersshown in figure.Rail stopersThe number of wire racks changesdepening on the model of your product.The Deep TrayThe deep tray is best used for cookingstews.Put the tray into any rack and push it tothe end to make sure it is placed correctly.Telescopic Rail (Full Extension, *Optional)One of the shelves in the wire rack is fullytelescopic; it extends out fully on ballbearings to allow for easy access to yourfood.Telescopic Rail ( Half extension, *Optional)One of the shelves in the wire rack ishalf telescopic; it extends out half on ballbearings to allow for easy access to yourfood.For better cooking experience, familiarise yourself with how to use each accessory.