SAMSUNG MFP SECURITY WHITE PAPERPage - 19 Copyright 2014 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., All rights reserved.ID and Password SetupThe system administrator can create each user’s ID and Password by using the Web-UI.When the Authentication mode is enabled, a User can log in to the device through the Local UI or through a Networkconnection. Only authorized users can access the device after successfully logging on. The following are examples ofLocal and Network login screens:7.3 Authorization (Group/Role Management)A common form of user management is known as Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). By using a defined set of roles, anadministrator can easily assign access to a user by assigning them to a role. Adding a user to a group also allows theadministrator to manage access for large groups of users. Examples of Roles for the MFP are Print only; Scan Only, CopyOnly or any combination of these and others.7.3.1 Using Group and Role-Based AuthorityThe Administrator can create several groups with different user roles by using SyncThru TM Web Service. With this function,the user property of Authorization, Authentication and Accounting can be controlled by Group/Role definitions. Forexample, when Group “A” has only “Copy” authority, a user in that group can only use 1 Copy feature but not otherfeatures like Faxing or Scanning.