ENG10onPREPARATIONCANCEL buttonPAUSE buttonDEMO/DIMMER buttonOPEN/CLOSE buttonPORT/AUX buttonUSB buttonCursor/Enter buttonEXIT buttonSLOW buttonTIMER/CLOCK buttonTUNER MEMORY buttonZOOM buttonTIMER ON/OFF buttonRETURN buttonINFO buttonSLEEP buttonMIC VOLUME CONTROL buttonSUBTITLE buttonPlay buttonSEARCH buttonsStop buttonLOGO buttonThe remote control can be used up to approximately 23feet/7 meters in a straight line. It can also be operated ata horizontal angle of up to 30° from the remote controlsensor.Range of Operation of the Remote ControlCautionRemove the batterycover in the directionof the arrow.1 Insert two 1.5V AAAbatteries, payingattention to the correctpolarities (+ and –).2 Replace the batterycover.3Follow these precautions to avoid leaking or cracking cells:• Place batteries in the remote control so they match the polarity:(+) to (+)and (–)to (–).• Use the correct type of batteries.Batteries that look similar may differ in voltage.• Always replace both batteries at the same time.• Do not expose batteries to heat or flame.Insert Remote BatteriesPage 12