ENG - 2508 USING THE REMOTE CONTROLHow to Use the Remote ControlVOL WOOFERSOUNDBARSOUNDMODEPAIRPowerVOL WOOFERSOUNDMODEPAIRTurns the Soundbar on and off.VOL WOOFERSOUNDMODEPAIRSourcePress to select a source connected to theSoundbar.MuteVOL WOOFERSOUNDMODEPAIRPress the (Mute) button to mute the sound.Press it again to unmute the sound.SOUND MODEVOL WOOFERSOUNDMODEPAIRPress to cycle through the available sound modes:SURROUND SOUND, GAME PRO, ADAPTIVE SOUND,or STANDARD.– SURROUND SOUNDProvides a wider sound field than standard.– GAME PROProvides stereoscopic sound to immerseyou in the action while gaming.– ADAPTIVE SOUNDAnalyzes the content in real time andautomatically provides an optimal soundfield based on the characteristics of thecontent.– STANDARDOutputs the original sound.• DRC (Dynamic Range Control)Lets you apply dynamic range control toDolby Digital tracks. Press and hold theSOUND MODE button for more than5 seconds while the Soundbar is powered offto turn DRC (Dynamic Range Control) on oroff. With the DRC turned on, loud sound isreduced. (The sound may be distorted.)