English 21 |04 SettingsProgressiveModeLets you improve picture qualitywhen viewing DVDs.AudioSimpleSpeakerSetupLets you configure the settings ofthe speakers you have connectedto obtain the best possible surroundsound. Normal Mode: Select if youhave set up your speakers in therecommended speaker layout withthe surround speakers next to orbehind the listening positions. Simple Mode: Select if you haveput your surround speakers in frontof the listening position. Downmixesthe front sound to the surroundsound speakers.| NOTES | DPLII, SFE, Virtual 7.1 will notoperate when the simple mode ison.SpeakerSettingsLets you adjust the followingspeaker settings and turn the testtone on and off so you can test thespeakers. Level: Lets you adjust the relativeloudness of each speaker from 6dbto -6db. For example, if you likedeep bass, you can increase theloudness of the subwoofer by 6db. Distance: Lets you adjust therelative distance of each speakerfrom the listening position up to 9meters. The farther the distance,the louder the speaker will be. Test Tone: Lets you run the TestTone function so you can test youradjustments. Setting Test Tone toOn turns the Test Tone on. Setting itto Off turns it off.Equaliser Lets you configure the Equalisersettings manually.Smart VolumeLets you set the product so thatthe volume remains stable when ascene change occurs or when youchange the channel.SpeakerSelectionLets you select which speakers youwant active, either the TV's speakersor the home cinema's speakers.Audio ReturnChannelLets you direct the sound from theTV to the Home Cinema speakers.Requires a HDMI connection andan Audio Return Channel (ARC)compatible TV.• If Audio Return Channel is set toon and you are using an HDMIcable to connect the product tothe TV, digital optical input will notwork.• If Audio Return Channel is set toauto and you are using an HDMICable to connect the product tothe TV, ARC or digital optical inputis selected automatically.Digital OutputLets you set the Digital Output tomatch the capabilities of the AVreceiver you’ve connected to theproduct. For more details, pleaserefer to the digital output selectiontable. (See page 53)DynamicRangeControlLets you apply dynamic rangecontrol to Dolby Digital, DolbyDigital Plus, and Dolby TrueHDaudio. Auto: Automatically controls thedynamic range of Dolby TrueHDaudio, based on information in theDolby TrueHD soundtrack. Alsoturns dynamic range control off forDolby Digital and Dolby Digital Plus. Off: Leaves the dynamic rangeuncompressed, letting you hear theoriginal sound. On: Turns dynamic range control onfor all three Dolby formats. Quietersounds are made louder and thevolume of loud sounds is reduced.DownmixingModeLets you select the multi-channeldownmix method that is compatiblewith your stereo system. Youcan choose to have the productdownmix to normal stereo or insurround compatible stereo.Audio SyncWhen the product is attached to adigital TV, lets you adjust the audiodelay so that the audio syncs withthe video. You can set the delaybetween 0 and 300 milliseconds.