pg. 24Relay PortsRelay PinoutSignal Function Signal Function1A Relay 1 Common 1B Relay 1 NO2A Relay 2 Common 2B Relay 2 NO3A Relay 3 Common 3B Relay 3 NO4A Relay 4 Common 4B Relay 4 NO5A Relay 5 Common 5B Relay 5 NO6A Relay 6 Common 6B Relay 6 NO7A Relay 7 Common 7B Relay 7 NO8A Relay 8 Common 0B Relay 8 NO• Connectors are labeled A and B• These relays are independently controlled, isolated and normally open• The relay contacts are rated for a maximum of 1 A @ 0-24 VAC or 0-28 VDC (resistive load)• If desired, a metal connector strip is provided to distribute ‘common’ among multiple relays.I/O PortsConfigurable as voltage sensing or digital outputI/O – PinoutSignal FunctionGND Signal Ground1-4 Individually configurable I/O+12vdc Vcc• Each pin is individually configurable as a voltage sense input or a digital output• Threshold settings are available to determine the high/low points for the digital input and the required voltagechange to generate an update• Digital Output can push or pull 100mAIR/SERIAL PortConfigurable as IR control emulation or 1-way serialIR/S Port Pinout – MU-2300 & MU-3300 lower portSignal Function Signal Function1- IR 1 GND 3- IR 3 GND1+ IR 1 Signal 3+ IR 3 Signal2- IR 2 GND 4- IR 4 GND2+ IR 2 Signal 4+ IR 4 Signal• Each pair is configurable as IR or 1-way RS-232• Baud rates for RS-232 are limited. Maximum Baud is 19200 in DATA mode• RS-232 voltages are 0-5v, not +-12v. This limits the maximum distance based on the cable resistance to <10 ft• IR carrier frequency up to 1.142 MHz• All ports can be used simultaneously• These ports accept an IR Emitter (CC-NIRC) that mounts onto the device's IR receiver windowIR/S Port Pinout – MU-3300 upper portSignal Function Signal Function5- IR 5 GND 7- IR 7 GND5+ IR 5 Signal 7+ IR 7 Signal6- IR 6 GND 8- IR 8 GND6+ IR 6 Signal 8+ IR 8 Signal