Communication99To make the message as unread, select● → Mark asunread.To move the message to another folder, select● → Move.To save the message, select● → Save email. The messagewill be saved in My Files → sdcard0 → Saved Email.To view the messages by category, select● → Sort by.To change the view mode, select● → View mode.To print the message using a Wi-Fi or USB connection,●select → Print. Your device is compatible only withsome Samsung printers.To filter messages from the sender, select● → Set aspriority sender. You can read messages from the sender inthe specified inbox.To delete all messages, select● → Delete all.To change the font size, select● → Font size.To customise the email settings, select● → Settings.To save an attachment to your device, select the●attachment tab → .The options available may vary depending on the emailaccount or device’s orientation.TalkLearn to chat with friends and family via Google Talk™.This feature may be unavailable depending on yourregion or service provider.Set your status› Open the application list and select1 Talk.Add your Google account (if necessary).2Customise your status, image, and message to display.3