Communication40Select a contact.2 For a multimedia message, select a message to view3 the details.Listen to voice mail messages›If you have set missed calls to be diverted to the voice mailserver, callers may leave voice messages when you do notanswer incoming calls. To access your voice mail inbox andlisten to voice mail messages,In Idle mode, open the application list and select1 →Keypad and then tap and hold 1.Follow the instructions from the voice mail server.2 You must save the voice mail server number beforeaccessing the server. Your service provider can giveyou the number.Select contacts and select3 Add.Select4 Tap to compose and enter your message text.To insert emoticons, press [ ] → Insert smiley.Select5 → an option and add an item.You can select a file from the file list or create a newphoto, video, or sound.Press [6 ] → Add subject and add a subject for themessage.Select7 Send to send the message.View a text or multimedia message›1 In Idle mode, open the application list and select .Your messages are grouped into message threads bycontact, like a messenger.