111WArrANTYLOSSES, DAMAGES, CAUSES OF ACTION, INCLUDINGBUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE BASED ON CONTRACT,TORT, OR OTHERWISE, ARISING OUT OF YOUR USEOF THE SOFTWARE OR THIRD PARTY APPLICATIONSON THIS MOBILE DEVICE, OR ANY OTHER PROVISIONOF THIS EULA, SHALL NOT EXCEED THE AMOUNTPURCHASER PAID SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS MOBILEDEVICE OR ANY SUCH THIRD PARTY APPLICATIONTHAT WAS INCLUDED WITH THIS MOBILE DEVICE.THE FOREGOING LIMITATIONS, EXCLUSIONS, ANDDISCLAIMERS (INCLUDING SECTIONS 9, 10, 11AND 12) SHALL APPLY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENTPERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, EVEN IF ANYREMEDY FAILS ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE.13. U.S. Government End Users Restricted Rights. TheSoftware is licensed only with “restricted rights” andas “commercial items” consisting of “commercialsoftware” and “commercial software documentation”with only those rights as are granted to all other endusers pursuant to the terms and conditions herein.All Products are provided only with “restricted rights”with only those rights as are granted to all other endusers pursuant to the terms and conditions herein.All Software and Products are provided subject toFederal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 52.227.19.cricket_GSIII_QRM.indd 111 10/26/2012 2:46:08 PM