14STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, AS TO THE QUALITY,CAPABILITIES, OPERATIONS, PERFORMANCE ORSUITABILITY OF ANY THIRD-PARTY SOFTWAREOR EQUIPMENT USED IN CONJUNCTION WITHTHE PRODUCT, OR THE ABILITY TO INTEGRATEANY SUCH SOFTWARE OR EQUIPMENT WITHTHE PRODUCT, WHETHER SUCH THIRD-PARTYSOFTWARE OR EQUIPMENT IS INCLUDED WITHTHE PRODUCT DISTRIBUTED BY SAMSUNG OROTHERWISE. RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE QUALITY,CAPABILITIES, OPERATIONS, PERFORMANCEAND SUITABILITY OF ANY SUCH THIRD-PARTYSOFTWARE OR EQUIPMENT RESTS SOLELY WITHTHE USER AND THE DIRECT VENDOR, OWNER ORSUPPLIER OF SUCH THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE OREQUIPMENT.Nothing in the Product instructions orinformation shall be construed to create anexpress warranty of any kind with respect tothe Products. No agent, employee, dealer,representative or reseller is authorized to modifyor extend this Limited Warranty or to makebinding representations or claims, whether inadvertising, presentations or otherwise, on behalfof SAMSUNG regarding the Products or thisLimited Warranty.This Limited Warranty gives you specific legalrights, and you may also have other rights thatvary from state to state.