65PREPARATION—Front Panel—Power ( ) buttonDisc TrayMIC VOLUME LEVELMIC 1, MIC 2Play/Pause ( ) buttonSkip/Search ( ) buttonSkip/Search ( ) buttonStop ( ) buttonStandby indicatorECHO LEVEL—Rear Panel—Video Output ConnectorConnect the TV's video input jacks (VIDEO IN) to the VIDEO OUT connector.Audio Output ConnectorAccessoriesSCART JACKConnect to a TV with scart input jack.External Digital Optical Input ConnectorUse this to connect external equipment capable of digital output.COMPONENT VIDEO OUTPUT jacksREMOTE CONTROL VIDEO CABLEAUDIO CABLE MANUALDVD KARAOKE DISC SONG LIST BOOK MICPOWER PLUGADAPTORDescriptionOpen/Close ( ) buttonTEMPO buttonCD Search buttonMENU buttonSEARCH SONG buttonPOWER buttonDIMMER buttonSUBTITLE buttonCANCEL buttonVIDEO SELECT buttonRETURN buttonNumber(0~9) buttonsFEMALE/MALE buttonZOOM buttonLOGO COPY buttonREMAIN buttonSLIDE MODE buttonCD Search buttonCursor/Enter buttonREPEAT buttonMELODY buttonSLOW buttonEZ VIEW buttonP.SCAN buttonSTEP buttonDIGEST buttonINFO buttonKEY CONTROL buttonFAVORITE buttonRESERVE buttonOPEN/CLOSE buttonAUDIO button—Remote Control—Play/Pause buttonCD Skip buttonStop button