Part 2: DECT Hardware Installation & Programming26Configuring the CCFPThe CCFP comprises a power supply and a main board. One expansion board, aLink card and up to eight Inter-Working Units (IWUs) can be mounted in the CCFP inslots 0–7 (Figure 2.2). There are three extra slots 8–10.• One IWU A8 handles eight analogue telephone lines for eight handsets. EightIWUs are therefore required for 64 handsets.• The main board handles eight RFPs. The expansion board is required if morethan eight RFPs are needed. The number of RFPs depends on the traffic den-sity and the coverage area.• One RFP can handle four simultaneous handsets calls.• The Link card is used to connect two 1500 systems together. It installs in slot10 of the extra slots. A combined system increases the number of Base Sta-tions to a possible 32 and Repeaters to a possible 96.• Extra slots 8 and 9 are not used.Figure 2.2 The CCFP