12rubber-supportrubber-skinUsing rUBBerAttach the Rubber to avoid direct contact with this set when you hold Samsung Galaxy Device and Apple Device.RUBBeR-SUppORt1. Attach the Rubber to the proper place considering the size of the device which you want to use.2. After attach the Rubber-Support, set your device to the Dual dock.RUBBeR-SKIN1. Cover the Rubber-Skin on the Dual dock.2. After cover the Rubber-Skin on the Dual dock, set your device to the Dual dock.▪ Use the product after removing the Rubber-Skin attached to the product if you have the protection casefor your device.▪ You can use this product only when the thickness of the protection case is under 1.5mm when you attachthe Spacer cover to your device. It is impossible to use this product when the thickness of the protectioncase is over 1.5mm or has special shape with round.