1 IntroductionD60719-07 51 Introduction1.1 SafeCom Go SamsungSafeCom Go Samsung is the embedded solution for Samsung MFPs. It integrateswith the touch control panel of the Samsung MFP and offers user authenticationby code and/or card.SafeCom Go Samsung works together with the SafeCom G3 Server software andis designed to help companies and organizations gain control over their printingcosts and document security. The SafeCom solution can be enhanced with add-on modules to build customer specific and scalable solutions.1.2 Requirements SafeCom Go Samsung supports the Samsung MFPs that support XOA inTable 1. SafeCom device license. MFP must be connected to the network. The appropriate SafeCom ID Device must be connected to the MFP’s USBport if users are to login by card.Note: On Samsung A4 model MFPs, make sure to insert the card readerinto a USB port marked XOA.Table 1 SafeCom Go Samsung supported Samsung MFPsMFP Type FirmwareSCX-5835NX A4modelSystem:XOA:V2.00.01.23_SEUK491088_1.00-SCX5835XV1.16.0_29_03-19-2012_ECSCX-6545NX A4modelSystem:XOAV2.00.02.48_SEUK491088_1.00V1.16.0_24_02-29-2012_ECSCX-6555NX A4modelSystem:XOA:V2.00.02.44_SEUK491088_1.00V1.16.0_29_03-19-2012_ECCLX-8385NX A4modelSystem:XOA:V2.00.00.60_SEUK491088_1.00V1.16.0_29_03-19-2012_ECSCX-8030NDSCX-8040NDA3modelSystem:XOA:V5.N6.13V1.15.0_07-01-2011CLX-9250NDCLX-9350NDA3modelSystem:XOA:V6.S6.06V1.15.0_07-01-2011Please contact your Samsung representative to obtain the firmware.