2524ParentalRating Control is a password protected system that allows you toblock playback of DVDs based on their content. The system uses aneight level rating system.• If you try to play a DVD that exceeds the selected rating, an errormessage will appear.• Not all discs are rated.1 Open “MENU”With the DVD in stop mode, press the MENU button.2 Select “DVD”Using the up/down and left/right buttons, move the selection cursorto “DVD Setup,” then press ENTER to select.3 Select “Parental”Move the selection bar to “Parental,” then press ENTER to select.4 Select “Use Password”Move the selection arrow to “Use Password,” then press the rightbutton to select from the following options:• No - Indicates that no password is required to view any DVDdisc or to change Rating Control options. No additional RatingControl settings are necessary.• Yes – Indicates that a password is required to view some DVDdiscs and to view Rating Control options. The menu will changeas shown.NOTES:• The first time “Require Password” is set to “Yes,” you will beprompted to enter a new password.• If the “Enter Password” screen appears, then “RequirePassword” has already been set to “Yes.” Please skip to Step 5.5 Enter PasswordEnter a 4-digit password using the 0–9 buttons on the remotecontrol.• Write your password down, and keep it in a safe place in caseyou need it to change your settings later.6 Select “Rating Level”Move the selection bar to “Rating Level,” then press ENTER toselect.7 Change Rating LevelUse the up/down to select one of the following ratings:• Level 8 Adult • Level 4• Level 7 • Level 3• Level 6 • Level 2• Level 5 • Level 1 Kids SafeAll ratings above the level you select will also be blocked, e.g., ifyou block Level 6, then Levels 7 and 8 will also be blocked.Press ENTER to confirm your selection.• If you forgot your password, press power on from a cold startwith no disc in the unit. Press the REW and F.F buttonssimultaneously on the front panel for 5 seconds. The “reset ok”message will appear. Press the power button and the DVD-VCRwill go to the “Auto Setup” mode. (See page 13)MAIN MENUDVD SetupRETURN ❷➛❿ ENTERProgram Clock Install ExitDVD VCR Options LanguageDVDRETURN ❷ENTERDVD SETUPDisc Menu EnglishAudio EnglishSubtitle AutomaticParental UnlockedAudio OptionsDisplay OptionsRETURN ENTERPARENTAL CONTROLUse Password ➛❿ NoRETURN PRESS 0-9PASSWORD CHECKEnter Password_ _ _ _RETURN ❷ ENTERPARENTAL CONTROLUse Password YesRating Level 8Change PasswordRETURN ❷ ENTERRATING LEVELLevel 8 AdultLevel 7Level 6Level 5Level 4Level 3Level 2Level 1 Kids SafeFollow these steps to choose your preferred language for DVDsubtitles. The DVD-VCR will automatically default to the languageyou choose if it is available on a given DVD.1 Open “MENU”With the DVD in stop mode, press the MENU button.2 Select “DVD”Using the up/down and left/right buttons, move the selection cursorto “DVD Setup,” then press ENTER to select.3 Select “Subtitle”Move the selection bar to “Subtitle,” then press ENTER to select.4 Set “Subtitle Language” PreferenceMove the selection bar to your preferred language for DVDsubtitles, then press ENTER to select.Subtitle LanguageMAIN MENUDVD SetupRETURN ❷➛❿ ENTERProgram Clock Install ExitDVD VCR Options LanguageDVDRETURN ❷ENTERDVD SETUPDisc Menu EnglishAudio EnglishSubtitle AutomaticParental UnlockedAudio OptionsDisplay OptionsRETURN ❷ENTERSUBTITLE LANGUAGE❿ AutomaticEnglishFrançaisDeutschEspañolItalianoNederlandsOthers