38 EnglishNetwork S ervices3. Select Start, and then press the v button.The Terms and Policy screen appears.4. On the Additional Services, Terms andConditions and Choices screen, you mustreview and agree to both the Smart HubTerms and Conditions and the Privacy Policyto use Smart Hub.5. Scroll down, and then click the View detailsbuttons to review the full documents.| NOTE |\ You do not need to consent to the SupplementalPrivacy Notice, but one or more Smart TV features orfunctionalities may not be available if you do not.6. Select I agree to all, and then press the vbutton. The Setup Complete screen appears.Press the v button.Using films and Tv ShowsIf you haven’t set up Smart Hub, when you useFilms and TV Shows for the first time, the productwill ask you to perform the Smart Hub set upprocedure.You can stream Films and TV Shows and viewthem on your TV.RecommendedFILMS AND TV SHOWSFavourites Featured Films TV Shows Trailers Trending1. On the Home screen, select FILMS AND TVSHOWS, and then press the v button.2. Select one of the Recommended Films, andthen press the v button. The page for thatmovie appears. Use the ▼ button to go tothe bottom of the screen.2 -1. Alternately, select Films or TV Shows andthen press the v button.On the page that appears, use the ▲▼◄►buttons to select a show or movie, and thenpress the v button.On the Films or TV Shows screen, youcan also select What’s New or Genres tosee more available shows or Films. On theGenres screen, use the ▲▼◄► buttons toselect a desired Genres, and then press thev button.To make a selection on a page displayingFilms and TV Shows, use the ▲▼◄►buttons to make a selection, and then pressthe v button.3. To watch a selection, select listed apps, andthen press the v button.| NOTE |\ The listed apps appears if you have not installed any ofthe movie apps you could use to watch the movie or TVshow you selected. If none of these apps are installedon your Blu-ray player, select one of the apps, and thenpress the v button. You will be asked if you want toinstall the app. Select Install, press the v button, andthen follow the directions that appear on the screen toinstall the app.4. Follow the directions on the screen to startthe movie.| NOTE |\ Contents items and the corresponding bottom menu inFilms and TV Shows differ between countries.\ When you activate Films and TV Shows for the first time,the listed apps may not be displayed.The listed apps is displayed after you download a videocontents App for use.If the listed apps is not displayed, you cannot watchcontents.\ Favorites will not appear unless you have tagged one ormore films or TV shows as a favorite. To tag a movie orshow as a favorite, select the show. The Detail screenappears. Select the heart symbol, and then press the vbutton.Downloaded From Disc-Player.com Samsung Manuals