Samsung BACnet MIM-B17N User Manual
Also see for BACnet Gateway MIM-B17N: Installation manualTechnical data book
APPENDIX10circumstance, the balance of the section isintended to apply, and the section as a wholeis intended to apply in other circumstances.It is not the purpose of this section to induceyou to infringe any patents or other propertyright claims or to contest validity of any suchclaims; this section has the sole purpose ofprotecting the integrity of the free softwaredistribution system which is implemented bypublic license practices. Many people havemade generous contributions to the widerange of software distributed through thatsystem in reliance on consistent applicationof that system; it is up to the author/donorto decide if he or she is willing to distributesoftware through any other system and alicensee cannot impose that choice.This section is intended to make thoroughlyclear what is believed to be a consequenceof the rest of this License.12. If the distribution and/or use of theLibrary is restricted in certain countries eitherby patents or by copyrighted interfaces,the original copyright holder who placesthe Library under this License may add anexplicit geographical distribution limitationexcluding those countries, so that distributionis permitted only in or among countries notthus excluded. In such case, this Licenseincorporates the limitation as if written in thebody of this License.13. The Free Software Foundation maypublish revised and/or new versions of theLesser General Public License from time totime. Such new versions will be similar inspirit to the present version, but may differ indetail to address new problems or concerns.Each version is given a distinguishing versionnumber. If the Library specifies a versionnumber of this License which applies to itand “any later version”, you have the optionof following the terms and conditions either ofthat version or of any later version publishedby the Free Software Foundation. If theLibrary does not specify a license versionnumber, you may choose any version everpublished by the Free Software Foundation.14. If you wish to incorporate parts of theLibrary into other free programs whosedistribution conditions are incompatiblewith these, write to the author to ask forpermission. For software which is copyrightedby the Free Software Foundation, write to theFree Software Foundation; we sometimesmake exceptions for this. Our decision willbe guided by the two goals of preservingthe free status of all derivatives of our freesoftware and of promoting the sharing andreuse of software generally.NO WARRANTY15. BECAUSE THE LIBRARY IS LICENSEDF R E E O F C H A R G E , T H E R E I S N OWARRANTY FOR THE LIBRARY, TO THEEXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLELAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATEDIN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERSAND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THELIBRARY “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTYOF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITEDT O , T H E I M P L I E D W A R R A N T I E S O FMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR APARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISKAS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCEOF THE LIBRARY IS WITH YOU. SHOULDTHE LIBRARY PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOUASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARYSERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION.16. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIREDBY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO INWRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER,OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFYAND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE LIBRARYAS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TOYOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANYGENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUTOF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THELIBRARY (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITEDT O L O S S O F D ATA O R D ATA B E I N GRENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSESSUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIESO R A FA I L U R E O F T H E L I B R A RY T OOPERATE WITH ANY OTHER SOFTWARE),EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTYHAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITYOF SUCH DAMAGES.END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONSHow to Apply These Terms to Your NewLibrariesIf you develop a new library, and you wantit to be of the greatest possible use tothe public, we recommend making it freesoftware that everyone can redistributeand change. You can do so by permittinguhzhktzYtptTkWWhulupiWZ^ZZhOXP⺴⦑UGGGXW YWXZTWYTX_GGG㝘㤸GXWaX`aXY |
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