23EnglishWill my headsetwork with laptops,PCs, and PDAs?Samsung SBH500 will work with devicesthat are compliant with Bluetooth version1.1 or higher and support Advanced AudioDistribution Profile, Audio Video RemoteControl Profile, Headset Profile and/orHands-Free Profile.Will anythingcause interferencewith myconversation whenI am using myheadset?Appliances such as cordless phones andwireless networking equipment may causeinterference with your conversation,usually adding a crackling noise. Toreduce any interference, keep the headsetaway from other devices that use orproduce radio waves.Will my headsetinterfere with mycar’s electronics,radio, orcomputer?Samsung SBH500 produces significantlyless power than a typical mobile phone. Italso only emits signals that are incompliance with the internationalBluetooth standard. Therefore, you shouldnot expect any interference with standardconsumer-grade electronics equipment.