20For further information, visit videotron.com/terminal-support.MoDIfy AND CUSToMIZE DISpLAyED CHANNELSCHANNEL FiLTERYou can filter the channels displayed in the Program Guide by using a wide range of criteria.You can display:• All channels or only the ones that you are subscribed to;• Your favourite channels or those that broadcast content in the language of your choice(French, English, or other);• Channels by genre (i.e. sports, news, movies, family shows, etc).1. Press .2. Press , then select Filter.3. Select the filter you want using and press .4. When a channel filter is activated, an icon will appear in the top left-hand corner of theProgram Guide. The filter will remain active even when you close the Program Guide.5. To remove the filter, you must select Display All or switch to a channel that is not included inthe filter that you selected.Browse through channels by name or by number1. Press .2. Press and select Sort using .3. Select By Name or By Number and press .How To CREATE AND VIEw A LIST of yoUR fAVoURITE CHANNELSAdding or removing your favourite channels in the Program guide or while watching TV:1. In the Program Guide, use to select a channel and press . A star on the left of theProgram Guide will indicate your favourite channels.2. You can browse through your favourite channels using the button on your remote controlor with the Favourite Channels browsing filter by selecting in the Program Guide.3. You can remove a channel from your Favourite Channels list by pressing and selectingRemove from Favourite Channels.Adding or removing several favourites at once:4. Press to go to the main menu.5. Select Settings.6. Then select Application Preferences and Program guide.7. Select Favourite Channels and press .8. A window will pop up prompting you to select your favourite channels from the list ofchannels included in your TV package (menu on the left) or remove channels that you havealready selected (menu on the right).