18For further information, visit videotron.com/terminal-support.MAIN MENU AND SHoRTCUT MENUThe main menu gives you access to all available illico TV new generation features, like theProgram Guide, illico On Demand, settings, the search function, widgets, and much more!ACCESS THE MENU1. Press to go to the main menu.2. Browse the menu or the widgets using . When you browse illico TV menus, you can alwayspress to return to the previous screen.3. Press to confirm your choice.ACTIVATE AND pERSoNALIZE THE SHoRTCUT MENUillico TV new generation also offers a Shortcut menu that lets you choose the shortcuts you want.1. Press .2. Using , select Settings, then Application Preferences .3. Using , select Shortcut menu.4. In the drop-down menu, select Activate or Disable the Shortcut menu, then customize it bychoosing the shortcuts you want.main menu Shortcut menuNOTE: You can customize the Shortcut menu from the main menu by pressing . Pleasenote that the Program Guide and illico On Demand cannot be removed from this menu.HOW TO USE iLLiCO TVNEW gENERATiON