Chapter 4 Configuring Your DeviceVerizon 4G LTE Network Extender 2 User Guide v1.1 39Copyright © 2017, All Rights Reserved.Indoor GPS Antenna Using Extension CableIf your 4G LTE Network Extender LCD display still shows “Searching for GPSafter one hour, or you get a GPS error message, it may be necessary to improve thereception by installing the extension cable and then repositioning the GPS antennaclose to a window. This section outlines the installation and relocation of theexternal GPS antenna.To relocate the GPS antenna of the Network Extender, follow these steps:1 Turn off the Network Extender.2 Firmly slide the GPS antenna cover off, as shown, to expose the rectangularGPS antenna.3 Disconnect the GPS antenna. Connect one end of the extension cable to theantenna and connect the other end to the Network Extender where the antennawas originally connected.4 Replace the cover, being careful to position the cable through the notchprovided. Then, extend the cable with the antenna on the end and place theantenna close to a window. You can use double-sided tape to secure thebottom of the GPS antenna to its new location. Do not cover the antenna withtape.5 Turn on the Network Extender to allow the detection of available GPS satellitesignals. Note, four GPS satellites (strong signals) are needed to acquire a GPSlocation fix and may take up to 60 minutes.6 If a GPS fix still cannot be acquired, check the GPS signal on the AdminWebsite’s GPS status page. If the device does not consistently track 4 or morestrong GPS satellite signals, place the GPS antenna in another location toreceive a stronger signal. In some scenarios, an outdoor GPS antenna (notincluded) may be needed if an adequate GPS signal is not available indoors.